Successful organizations require a competent, committed, effective board of directors, one that doesn’t overreach its role in managing day-to-day operations but rather, cares passionately about the mission of the organization and establishes strategic direction to ensure its long-term success.
Our Approach to Board Development
An effective board can turn a good organization into a great one. A dysfunctional board can destroy a great organization.
Tomorrow’s People helps boards focus their energies on the organization’s mission so they can be effective in providing strategic guidance to the organization’s senior leadership.
One of the critical challenges facing CEOs is the continual change in board membership and the constant need to train new board members on the programs and services of their organization. Tomorrow’s People has experience with many different types of boards. We help organizations develop effective board members, ones who are engaged, informed and active.
Ready to find out more?
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Our Philosophy
- Every organization is unique.
- Every board is unique.
- All materials and presentations are tailored to the specific objectives of the organization and the specific needs of the board.
The Approach
- We work closely with the Executive Director/CEO of the organization.
- The Executive Director/CEO may choose to bring in the Board Chair to augment preliminary discussions and planning.
- We begin with an analysis of the following areas:
- Organizational mission
- Organizational chart
- Strategic plan
- Long and short term goals of the organization
- Long and short term goals of the board

The Retreat – Pre-planning & Facilitation
- Secure background on board members:
- How experienced are board members with board service?
- How familiar are board members with the organization’s:
- Mission
- Vision
- Strategic Plan
- Identify what unique skills each board member brings to the organization.
- Assess board members’ experience:
- Do they understand the larger political, social, environmental, technical, competitive, and economic context that impacts the organization?
- Do they understand the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)?
- Do they thoroughly understand the full range of programs and services that the organization provides?
- Do they understand the immediate and long term needs of the organization and what role they need to play to meet those needs?
- Prepare the conceptual framework for a board retreat.
- What does the board need?
- What do they need to do more of?
- What do they need to do less of?
- Determine measurable goals and outcomes for the retreat.
- Determine logistics:
- Location
- Time frames
- Agenda
- Tomorrow’s People provides comprehensive facilitation of the board retreat.
The Retreat – Evaluation & Follow Up
- We provide an electronic report that summarizes:
- Retreat activities
- Key learnings
- Commitments
- New initiatives
- Timelines
- Measurements
- We work with the Executive Director/CEO to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the retreat and to determine how the board is performing against measurable goals which were agreed upon at the retreat.